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6 Techniques to Weight loss formula

6 Techniques to Weight loss formula

During the period of having to be apart from each other for a while By staying at home or working from home, many people feel that they are starting to feel hydrated, their arms and legs are becoming more advanced, and their belly is a little protruding. because rarely move Only eat and sleep or sitting at a desk all day Then how to make the figure come back fit and firm like before. Recommend 6 techniques to lose weight during quarantine. You can look good even at home.


1: Eat a lot of protein and vegetables.

Have you ever noticed yourself, what type of food do you eat the most in a day? Most of them are rice, bread, drinks, desserts. Protein and vegetables are usually eaten very little. This technique simply reshapes our diet. By focusing on eating more protein and vegetables than before, for example, having a meal with rice in the morning, 1 dish with 1 side of rice, with fresh vegetable chili paste. We simply add two more boiled eggs or two steamed chicken breasts to our breakfast protein. Because the more protein you eat, the less hungry you are during the day. The question is, how much protein should I eat each day? Estimate the amount of food that you eat easily. In a day, you should eat protein equal to 1 handful of your body or equal to 1 gram per 1 kg of body weight. Or you can use it to observe yourself when you eat a lot of protein at breakfast. and being able to be full for a long time without being hungry means that we eat enough protein This technique, meat lovers will definitely like it. As for vegetarians, don't be sad. You can do the same thing just by opting for grain-based proteins like soy or eggs instead.

2: Eat less carbs.

In this technique, people who like to eat flour and sugar may not be able to resist. must try to think Now that we are at home, we do not go out and use less energy than before. If we still eat the same amount of carbohydrates Of course, the energy the body received was more than necessary. Therefore, eating less carbohydrate foods during this period. It will help control our weight. This way, carbs can be eaten, but should be reduced to a smaller amount, such as eating normal amounts of carbs for breakfast. Lunch is reduced to half of breakfast. For dinner, choose only protein and vegetables.

3: After eating, drink water often.

For the technique to drink water is considered a simple technique. that can be done at home without hassle Because when working at the office or studying, to go out to drink water, you have to go to the Pantry room or the water dispenser outside the room. This makes most people rarely drink water during the day. Because the benefits of drinking water will help to increase the metabolic rate to help you lose weight. By drinking water should not drink immediately after eating. Because it will dilute the gastric juice in the stomach. As a result, digestion does not work properly. Drink at least half an hour after eating. And should keep sipping water 0.5 - 1 glass per hour until the next meal. and drinking water should be empty. It's not sweet tea or coffee. which has a lot of sugar

4: Not hungry, not eating.

This technique is suitable for hardcore enthusiasts. If you are optimistic when staying at home, there are few tempting foods. It is a time to lose weight in the body. Because normally our body, if there is enough energy, it will not show signs of hunger. But most people are obese because they eat more than necessary. and eat because of craving, not hunger. So in the evening, don't accidentally plow the feed and look at the restaurant reviews. I won't be able to resist

5: Sleep for a long time

This technique is sure to be liked by lazy people. Can sleep alone be slim? Quality sleep because of having a good night's sleep. Will help to burn fat. because if we sleep less than 4 hours a day The hormones needed to control fat and muscle will work less as well. Plus sleep will help repair worn out organs. Including adjusting various hormones to balance, resulting in healthy return. efficient at work Therefore, during quarantine, do not rush to get up from the house and not go home late at night Try going to bed early, no later than 10 p.m. and wake up without an alarm clock. See if you wake up feeling refreshed If refreshed, it means that our body can fully secrete growth hormone. The growth hormone helps the brain function. Control the amount of fat and muscle. Repair tissues and bones within the body. to the metabolic system such as the functioning of insulin and blood sugar levels as well Oh, if you know that you sleep for a long time And for good health like this, I will go to bed soon. since tonight

6: Wake up early to exercise.

Although some people say they do not like exercising. But if you want to lose weight, you can't avoid exercise because the simple way to lose weight is to eat less than your energy and use as much energy each day as possible, which is exercise. But the truth is, exercising doesn't require going to the gym, going to the gym or the park. Just walk briskly inside the house. cycling in the village Or maybe doing housework can be considered exercise as well, such as sweeping leaves, watering the plants, gardening, washing the car, sweeping the house. Only these activities Should do non-stop continuously for about 15-20 minutes a day, it will be a simple exercise. that benefit both the body The house is clean and tidy, and it helps to have a good figure as well.

For the six techniques introduced above, it is not necessary to follow all of them. Whichever technique can be done first, try it. If it works well, then gradually Try to follow other techniques. I'm confident that if you can do all 6 techniques as I said. Even if we have to stay at home for a long time, we can control the weight not to increase more than before. or can lose weight By being healthy and strong and not too plump as well.


Youtube : Doctor Team Dr.Team

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